The digital publication of these items reflect known information at the time of distribution.
Please note that some links may not function based on a change, an omission or any other unforeseen issue associated with linked web-based information.
1 The origin of hazardous location lighting
4 Determining HazLoc classifications of an area
5 Who has the power to enforce NEC Codes?
6 The Authority Having Jurisdiction
8 HazLoc – What’s the difference between fire & explosion?
10 Launching a high pressure test
11 The Dust Explosion Pentagon
13 The Temperatures of Classifications
15 How about a little back and forth?
16 Hazardous Location Certifications – Apples, Oranges, Cherries
18 Combustible Dusts – The materials to watch
19 The long shot story – 2018 NCAA Basketball
20 The Ignition Source “What’s Hot?”
22 An “open Air” dust explosion
24 Not Available
27 Direct AC in COB/DOB Technology
29 OSHA certified labs can provide light fixture Safety Certification
30 HazLoc certification possibilities
32 The value of on-site walk-thru’s
37 HazLoc protection – the bullet proof vest
38 Consider more than lumens & watts – Glare
41 Ambient temperature explained
43 Bug Eyes – Emergency lighting
44 The “Bug” system – Measuring outdoor lighting output
50 Lighting & the human eye part 1
51 Lighting & the human eye part 2
52 Lighting & the human eye part 3
53 Complying with BAA / TAA part 1
54 Complying with BAA / TAA part 2
55 Cable Gland
56 A brief history of food safety
58 The Beaufort Wind Force Scale
61 Recovered – 7,000 gold coins
66 Not Available
67 The great lighting conspiracy
68 Class III – Little things – Big problems